
3ds Max 4 (русский)

Lightwave 6/7 для дизайнера. Искусство трехмерного дизайна (русский)

3D Studio MAX 6.0 Практический курс (русский)

Стив Робертс «Анимация 3D персонажей» (русский)

Shawn Kelly «Animation Tips & Tricks vol.1» (английский)
Shawn Kelly, Carlos Baena «Animation Tips & Tricks vol.2» (английский)
Bill Fleming, Darris Dobbs/Флеминг Б., Доббс Д. « Методы анимации лица. Мимика и артикуляция» (русский)
Jason Osipa «Stop Starring: Facial modeling and animation» (английский)

Alias Wavefront “Learning Maya Character Rigging and Animation» (английский)

Animation from Pencils to Pixels: Classical Techniques for the Digital Animator (английский)

Alex Michael «Animating with Flash MX: Professional Creative Animation Techniques”

Mark Stephen Smith «The Art of Flash Animation: Creative Cartooning»

Chris Georgenes «How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS4: The art of design and animation»

Chris Webster «3ds Max Bundle: Animation: The Mechanics of Motion»

Carol MacGillivray, Anthony Head «3D for the Web : Interactive 3D animation using 3ds max, Flash and Director»

Anjie Jones & Jamie Oliff «Thinking Animation: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and CG»

Tina O’Hailey “Hybrid Animation: Integrating 2D and 3D Assets»

Marcia Kuperberg «Guide to Computer Animation: for tv, games, multimedia and web (Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation)»

Tony Mullen «Introducing Character Animation with Blender»

Michele Bousquet «Model, Rig, Animate with 3ds max 7”

Chris Maraffi «Maya Character Creation: Modeling and Animation Controls”

George Agverakis “Digital Animation Bible»

Peter Ratner “3-D Human Modeling and Animation»

Weidong Geng «The algorithms and principles of non-photorealistic graphics, artistic rendering and cartoon animation»

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